Tiger takes a knee for the season
After today’s news about Tiger Woods having season ending reconstructive ACL surgery makes what he just did all the more impressive. How do you not only compete in a pro golf tournament, but a major, add to that an extra 19 holes and then wind up winning with a stress fracture? He just took the greatest win in his storied career and actually made it more legendary then it already was. The pain must have been incredible. It is a comment on just how good a shape he is in to overcome that but maybe more so how truly mentally tough he is. To be able to block that out and overcome in such a tough mental game such as golf to take home his 14th major title is just amazing. Maybe he is Robo-Tiger. Going forward we will see how Tiger can come back from this next season. People always said that the only thing that could stop Tiger is injury. We will have to see if it will be successful enough that he can still do what he is accustomed to do and that is everything no one else can do...be the best player ever. I wish him well with the procedure and a fast recovery so we can see him at next years Masters.
All i see are small boxes. WTF?