Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Espy's

After watching the ESPY’s on Sunday I have sadly come to the conclusion that Justin Timberlake is actually pretty funny and actually does have some talent. (See the opening to the Show Here, it is actually worth looking at) . It pains me to say but he actually did do a good job overall as the host of this awards show. For those who don’t know the Espy’s are the sports equivalent to the Academy Awards but on by ESPN and brings in the top athletes and some entertainment personalities for their 2 hour show.

For a list of winners click HERE

Sure there were some awkward moments as they did show Brett Farve plenty and cracked some jokes then would pan between him and would be replacement Aaron Rogers. Also it appeared that Beck’s (David Beckham) wife Posh is either very bitter and was utterly displeased to be there or she is just a very snobby lady. I think perhaps it is a little from column A and a little from Column B.
One of the funniest skits was when a video of an angry Mike Gundy, Oklahoma State University football coach, during a news conference that showed Justin Timberlake as the reporter and the classic line "I'M A MAN, I'M 40!" (see it here).

This is an award show that gets it right, they show only a handful of categories on TV, actually has entertaining skits and in this case songs and give a list of the other awards that were won but didn’t need to show the acceptance and the un-drama (thats right-UN-drama!).

It had a bit of everything...the highlights, the lowlights, the memorials of the people lost over the past year and the things that go beyond sports and society and go straight to the heart. Exactly what sports is supposed to do.


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    The best was Will Ferrel accepting the award on behalf of Tiger Woods.

  2. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Ex posting, I watched a bit of the awards but not all of them so was glad to hear more details. Timberlake's intro was pretty funny, Aaron Rodgers looked a little uncomfortable and T.O.'s suit jacket was retarded.
    Ex post as usual, thanks. And thanks for the insightful link, glad to also see there is an ESPY given out to the top bowler.
