Friday, November 06, 2009

Dazed And Hilarious

San Francisco Giants pitcher Tim Lincecum is facing misdemeanor marijuana charges following a traffic stop in his home state of Oregon. When I heard of this I was almost giddy with joy. For those of you who remember my post a few months back (Thursday, July 09, 2009 - The Underrated All Star) on how good Lincecum is and his unbelievable likeness to the actor who played Mitch Kramer (Wiley Wiggins) from Dazed and Confused. This cult movie favorite is a classic and has had some classic quotes and scenes. The fact that the movie had such a connection with the use of marijuana makes this storey even better.
Mitch: "Uhhh, no not on me man."
Wooderson: "It’d be a lot cooler if you did."

An officer approached Lincecum’s 2006 Mercedes and smelled marijuana as the pitcher rolled down his window. The police spokesman said. Lincecum immediately complied with a request to hand over the drug and a marijuana pipe from the car’s center console. The amount measured was 3.3 grams which was deemed it in the range for personal use, well below the maximum of 40 grams before possession is classified differently and carries a more severe penalty. The police said "It’s not really out of the ordinary. It happens every day," in regards to the amount that was seized "It was about the size of a thumb, the whole thumb."

I am not here to pass judgement, as a professional athlete maybe he should have known better then to be driving around and smoking the stuff in a high priced car but in the grand scheme of things not a huge deal. Other players are surely doing a lot worse more often. All I am saying is there is a time and a place so you avoid this bad pub...HOWEVER of all the star athletes to have this happen to Thank You Mitch...errrrr...Tim you have made my day!!

Lincecum is currently scheduled to appear before a judge on Dec. 22

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